God spoke to me!!!!!
I haven't told this story below to anyone, not even my closest friend.I just felt that I have to keep it to myself.But now I feel that it is time to talk/write about it a little...
I am wondering about what God had said to me 3 or even more months ago.Lately God added something(exactly on my birthday when Liina & Viivia prayed for me in our cell)to what He already had said 3 or more months ago.And now it's even more confusing.Now I think and pray even more.I'm so confused.I'll give you a hint, my dear friends, so that you will know for what I pray and think about every day.And this hint is -"my future husband".I cant tell you more, my friends,but I can say one thing that in God's own time me & "my future husband" will meet. But I have to add that we have already met, but...
Sorry can't tell you more, but I ask you one thing pray for me & for "my future husband" as well
Maybe this story above may seem too strange or something and I shouldn't have write it down here, where everyone can read it.But my thought is that maybe if I write it down a place where everyone can read it, change will come....I don't know.Let's see.
And I'm sure that one of my closest friend will hear this story soon when time is right and I'm ready to talk....And I think that this time is very near.
Be blessed!!!!!