In some small way...

There's a tree,standing there in such an ordinary way, but as I look around everything keeps changing.There's a leaf on that tree and it floats into a stream, and like everything it gets carried away to the sea...but if we give a little our love away maybe meet in the middle every night and day if we could hear just a whisper of what the heart needs to say it could sure make a difference in some small... in some small way.

My Photo
Location: Tartu, Estonia

I'm 24 year old estonian girl,living in Tartu.Some of my friends say I'm like "still waters run deep"...and it is so true.This sentence describe me so well, I think.God made me like this...Halleluuja. AND I'm the apple of God's eye (psalm 17:8) Jeg snakker litt norsk...

Monday, October 30, 2006

Youth 2006 in Uppsala...

Yes, yes.....I leave on wednesday morning, very early in the morning to catch a boat and then my trip to Uppsala it means my dearest friends that we don't see each other some time...

I'm so excited...Everyone I know have been saying that this Uppsala church is huge and youth conference going to be GREAT...I belive them and I know that God has a plan for me in that confrence.

At first when I heard that this conference will be arranged/will come....I thought that I will not go, then I thought that I go, then I decided not to go....but thank God I'm going....Praise God!!!

Thank you my friends for supporting me!!!Be blessed!!!

And I'm thinking of you when you are outside in Raekoja plats to bless people with tea and candy's.It's going to fantastic time there...and God is there.


Blogger Helina said...

Aitähh kullake!!!!Ma olen ka õnnelik et ma sõidan sinna:):)

Jaaa Jumalal on väga suured plaanid...Jumal on hea!

Monday, 30 October, 2006  

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