In some small way...

There's a tree,standing there in such an ordinary way, but as I look around everything keeps changing.There's a leaf on that tree and it floats into a stream, and like everything it gets carried away to the sea...but if we give a little our love away maybe meet in the middle every night and day if we could hear just a whisper of what the heart needs to say it could sure make a difference in some small... in some small way.

My Photo
Location: Tartu, Estonia

I'm 24 year old estonian girl,living in Tartu.Some of my friends say I'm like "still waters run deep"...and it is so true.This sentence describe me so well, I think.God made me like this...Halleluuja. AND I'm the apple of God's eye (psalm 17:8) Jeg snakker litt norsk...

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Getting Comfortable Outside Your Comfort Zone

Today's Scripture

"As they went a woman who wanted to be healed came up behind and touched him, for she had been slowly bleeding for twelve years, and could find no cure (though she had spent everything she had on doctors). But the instant she touched the edge of his robe, the bleeding stopped." (Luke 8:43)

Today's Word from Joel and Victoria

Are your hopes, dreams, and visions way big today? I hope so, because there are no limits for the powerful and loving God that you serve! When God puts a dream in your heart, even a big dream that seems almost impossible, He will also put in your heart the ability and the opportunity to complete it. The tough part is that you're going to have to step outside of your comfort zone, and allow God to give you what you need. The woman described in Luke 8 had a dream of being healthy, but nobody could help her. She kept dreaming and reached out for Jesus to be healed. Reach out for your dream today and watch God do the rest!

A Prayer for Today

God, I know that You have big plans for me. Help me to let You do things that are out of my comfort zone. Thank you for Your power and for the dreams You give me. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Jaa jaa have to step outside of my comfort zone & allow God to give me what I need.
Easy to say hard to do hehe...but I belive God will lead/show me a way and everthing will be OK...and He will help me to do that step.Now it seems impossible but God says all things are possible (Luke 18:27)Yes yes let's see what future brings...

Be blessed my dearest friends!!!


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